

Well managed complaints help us learn from our mistakes and improve services.

We encourage clients and their informal carers to trust us enough to raise issues they have, no matter how small in the knowledge that we will ‘put things right’ and not treat them any differently as a result.

Why do people complain?

  • They feel they or someone else has been treated unfairly, inappropriately or a mistake has been made resulting in a negative impact on them.
  • They may not like an aspect of how the Company is operating, e.g. rotas always late, not being informed of changes etc.

The outcome people usually want from raising a complaint

  • To prevent the same thing happening to themselves or others again.
  • To be given a formal apology and acknowledgement that the service they received did not meet standards or expectations.

How to avoid having a complaint made against you

  • Do the job to the best of your ability and seek advice when you are unsure about anything.
  • Uphold the social care values and treat clients and their informal carers/ families courteously and respectfully at all times. Treat people in the way you would want yourself or someone close to you to be treat.

How to respond to comments and complaints

  • If someone tells you or implies verbally or in writing they are unhappy or concerned about any aspect of our service then support them to raise the matter by ringing or emailing the office or completing the form contained on the home file. If the client doesn’t do this raise it for them.
  • Record details of the comment in your record of visit immediately and which Manager it has been passed to.
  • If someone is making an allegation against another person you must state that they are alleging that the person has done something when recording it.
  • Thank the person for sharing their concerns and reassure them that Active want to know about issues no matter how small so that they can improve service. Assure them they will not be treated any differently as a result.

See also topic 3.9 (page 2/2)

Use to answer question 3.3b of the Care Certificate

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