
How to Assess and Reduce Risks in Confrontational Situations

Assessment of Known Hazards

Managers identify hazards in relation to all aspects of your work at Active.

If clients are known to present behaviours that challenge then a positive behaviour management plan will have been devised with the individual and those who know them best. The plan will detail the risk management strategies devised to inform staff of how they should work with the individual to develop their skills/ coping mechanisms and keep everyone safe.

Our work sometimes involves us working with families who have complex personal relationships (high risk living arrangements). The Person Centred Support Plan will detail the risk management strategies devised to stabilise packages, ensuring needs are met and safety maintained. Managers are freely available to support staff to deal with issues and challenges that arise.

How to assess and reduce risks in confrontational situations (Answer to 3.5c)

You must report any confrontational incidents that arise, or new behaviours that challenge, to your line manager as soon as possible so that these can be risk assessed and control measures incorporated into the support plan!

Follow the risk management strategies detailed in the Person Centred Support Plan:

The Person Centred Support Plan (PCSP) will have informed you on how to handle confrontational situations that are likely to occur with the client and family you are working with. On the day you may need to recognise signs that a situation is becoming confrontational and implement the plan drawn up to de-escalate and manage the situation in a way that keeps everyone safe.

Use to answer question 3.5c of the Care Certificate

Undertaking your own risk assessment (and reporting confrontational incidents and new behaviours):

It is also possible that unforeseen incidents could occur that were not detailed in the plan. In such situations you should use your judgement and knowledge to de-escalate the situation to the best of your ability, seek guidance or help if possible.

It is also important that you don’t get emotionally involved but keep a clear head and look out for body language and reactions. If you feel that a one-to-one situation between yourself and an individual has the potential to become confrontational you should try to leave the scene to give them time to calm down. When you recognise frustration and aggression in a person’s behaviour you will learn, as you develop in your role, how to use your communication skills and other ways of working to manage a situation before it becomes violent or aggressive. Your manager will provide guidance, explain ways of working and support you to develop your knowledge and skills as you progress in your work.

All incidents of this nature should be reported to your line manager as soon as possible and a record made in the Record of Visit. This information will be used to decide whether adjustments to the PCSP and Risk Management Strategies devised need to be made.

See topic 13.3 ‘Lone Working’ for staying safe and what to do if the worst happens.

Policy and Procedure Documents in Relation to Managing Behaviour that is Challenging

  • Positive Behaviour Management
  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR)
  • Health and Safety at Work

Paperwork you are Required to Complete

  • Record of Visit (detail any incidents of behaviour that challenges or conflict that has arisen and inform your manager)
  • Record of Behaviour Incident (you can complete this on your own or with the help of your manager)
  • Accident/ Incident Report Form (your manager will log this in the accident book and complete an Accident/ Incident form with you if anyone has been injured)

Use to answer question 3.5c of the Care Certificate

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