
Definitions of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Discrimination

Definitions of equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination


Equality is about ensuring people have equal rights and creating a level playing field so that they have equal chance and are not disadvantaged. You should make sure that everyone’s needs are addressed to ensure equality of opportunity. For example, you may need to give information in different formats (for example photographs, Makaton symbols, easy read, large print, another language) or make sure there is access to a building for an individual using a wheelchair.


Diversity can be described as ‘difference’. All individuals are different; the many different parts of a person’s character and identity make them unique. Examples of the things that make up diversity are:

  • Age
  • Background
  • Belief
  • Appearance
  • Gender
  • Values
  • Ability
  • Family
  • Culture
  • Disability
  • Friends
  • Marital Status
  • Job role
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Health
  • Religion


Inclusion is about making sure that people are not segregated, isolated or marginalised in services and the community, this requires us to provide personalised responses to meeting people’s needs. We need to ensure that the people we assist are enabled to participate in mainstream and targeted activities of their choice.

Your role is to work with an individual to identify barriers to undertake an activity and help them find ways to overcome these including raising issues.


Discrimination means in its simplest definition, to treat a person or a whole group of people more or less favourably than someone else or another group.

Use to answer question 4.1a of the Care Certificate

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