Sources of Information, Advice and Support about Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion
Sources of information within your organisation and local organisations:
- Line manager or any other manager
- Trade Unions
- Law Centres or Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
- Advocacy and campaigning organisations
Sources of information external to your organisation
1.National Resources include:
- Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
- The Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)
- The Police (for hate crime)
2.Trade Unions include:
- The Trade Union Congress
- Individual trade unions
3.Training Bodies include:
- Skills for Care
- Social Care Institute for Excellence
4.Service Regulators and Professional Regulators include:
- The Care Quality Commission
- The Health and Care Professions Council
Use to answer question 4.3a of the Care Certificate
How and When to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion
When to ask for advice and support:
In some instances it is appropriate to ask your line manager for advice and support, if information and advice appears to be unclear, out-of-date, does not provide solutions or your knowledge and skills need updating/refreshing
How to access advice and support:
Sources of information, advice and support could include:
- Looking into the ways of working in your organisation
- Checking the Care Quality Commission’s essential standards of quality and safety
- Speaking to your manager for advice and guidance and for extra support or for ideas on where to go or who to speak to for further information
- Making use of informal meetings or discussions with other workers and formal appraisals or supervision with managers for additional guidance or to ask specific questions
- Undertaking your own research on the internet, for example looking into the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Social Services or NHS website.
Take care when consulting some organisations or using sources of information on the internet, you will need to ensure that the information you receive is reliable and that they are following clear standards, codes of conduct and ethics.
Use to answer question 4.3b of the Care Certificate
Who should you ask for advice and support about equality and inclusion
Internal to your organisation:
If you have a concern about equality your line manager would be your first point of contact. Your line manager/supervisor should know and understand the organisations policy and the law, ensuring that they are being put into practice
It is important to highlight any gaps in learning so that these can be addressed through your Professional Development and Learning Plan (PDLP). Maximise the use of supervision/appraisal to talk through any issues, interests and learning on equality and inclusion.
External to your organisation:
Trade Unions provide information and support on equality and inclusion in relation to their members and their work, these can be a helpful source or advice, support and training too.
Websites such as Social Care Information and Learning Services
You could also go to any of the other sources of information/resources as mentioned on the previous page.
Use to answer question 4.3c of the Care Certificate