

The proportions of each of the nutritional components of a balanced diet are shown in section 8.15-8.18 of the staff handbook. The five components are:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, pasta bread etc.
  • Protein: meat, eggs, fish, cheese, nuts
  • Fats and sugars: cakes etc.
  • Milk and dairy products

The Eatwell plate produce by the department of health shows how much of what you should eat should come from each food group. (See section 8.10 of the staff handbook for the Eatwell Plate)

Vegetarians and vegans (vegans do not eat, wear or use any products derived from animals, whereas vegetarians might consume some animal derived products e.g. milk and/or eggs. The reasons why some people choose to become vegan or vegetarian is personal to them, e.g. it could be due to a formal religious belief such as Buddhism, Jainism, Rastafarianism, or for some other reason, such as a person’s ethics or values or just personal preference.

Different foods have different essential minerals and vitamins and some people may be recommended specific foods for this reason. Some medication can also block the absorption of some of these and require the person to take supplements.

Risks Associated with Eating too much Fat, Sugar or Salt

If people eat too much fat or sugar or there is too much salt content then this carries a risk of high blood pressure. High salt intake can result in increasing the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) heart disease and stokes, low salt intake can result in low blood pressure (hypotension). It is recommended that adults and children aged over 11 years or over, should consume no more than 6gm of salt per day.

Use to answer question 8.1b of the Care Certificate

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