Records that Staff may need to Complete
Records that Staff may need to Complete:
- Daily activity sheet/Record of visit/outing
- MAR (Medication Administration Record)
- Cash handling form
- ABC (Behaviour incident form)
- Mileage/time sheet
- Food/drink diary
- Seizure record
- Body map
- Bowel movement chart
- Accident form
- Details of concerns
- Quarterly Feedback Form
- Supervision Documents
- Documents requested for work i.e. DBS forms
Key Documents at Active:
The ‘Person Centred Support Plan’ (PCSP) – is the agreement between Active and the client/client’s carers. It details what support the client and their family have consented to and how it should be provided. It is an important tool in good communication between those who are involved in providing care and support.
It is essential that staff read a clients person centred support plan and familiarise themselves with the information provided in the person centred support plan prior to working with the client. Important information about the clients needs and choices and how they wish support to be provided is detailed within this document. It also contains any assessments of risk.
Staff need to inform their line manager if any of the information is in accurate.
Use to answer question 14.1a of the Care Certificate