Reporting Concerns about the Agreed Ways of Working not being Followed
How to report concerns if they become aware that agreed ways of working have not been followed
There might be times that staff have concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information. These could be to do with bad practice relating to confidentiality, for example, if files containing sensitive information have been left lying around or if personal information about a client has been discussed in public. Staff might also have concerns about the risks to the wellbeing of an individual. Any concerns should be reported to a line manager immediately.
Staff need to address any difficulties they have making records. Poor and inaccurate records could be perceived to be insecure ones, they could mislead and they could do the client, themselves and Active a disservice.
Staff need to address any difficulties they have completing training or any additional support they need, this should be discussed with HR, their line manager or flagged up in a supervision.
Health and social care workers have a duty to report unsafe or incompetent practice to their organisational regulatory body for example the CQC. Staff need to follow Active’s whistleblowing procedure (see topic 1.14 Raising Concerns about the Service and Whistle Blowing) if their concerns are raised with a manager and are not taken seriously..
Use to answer question 14.1d of the Care Certificate