The steps you must take in the event of a fire – activity centre/office
Working in Active activity centre/office:
Follow the building fire action plan.
- Sound the alarm/call the fire brigade/alert others in the building:
- Leave the building by the nearest fire exit – the main door or bathroom window.
- Do not investigate the fire, it may behind the door
- Close all the doors behind you
- Report to the assembly point
- Anyone from the main office to bring visitors book and signing in book with them
- The most senior member of staff should sweep the building
- Alert anyone in neighbouring buildings as appropriate
- Do not return to the building until it is safe to do so
In an activity centre staff assist your client to leave the building safely via the nearest exit. Familiarise yourself with the clients contingency plan before you need to use it – this will detail any special requirements for the person.
If you can not safely evacuate, then stay in a room with the door and windows closed, and contact the fire brigade from there. Fire walls and doors should keep you safe for 30 minutes.