The Importance of Assuming Someone has Capacity
Why it is important to assume someone has capacity
By assuming someone has capacity, opportunities can be provided that enable the person to make their own decisions which helps them to feel empowered, confident and in control.
- Staff should always assume that a person can make their own decisions.
- If a person is not able to make a decision this will be documented in the individual’s support plan.
- Staff should be supporting the individual in the least restrictive way possible with their best interests in mind.
- Staff need to consider that even though a person may not be able to make a decision they may still have an important view on it.
It is essential that the individual is supported to find ways of communicating before a decision about their capacity is made. This might involve family, friends, carers and other workers. An assessment should be made based on the balance of probabilities. For example, is it more likely than not that the person lacks capacity?
If you have any concerns about a decision an individual is making you should discuss this with your line manager.
Use to answer question 9.6b of the Care Certificate