
Enabling Individuals to Develop Skills in Self-Care and Self Management

Self care is about people taking responsibility for their own health and well being.

Self-management is about people making the most of their lives by coping with difficulties and making the most of what they have. It includes managing or minimising the ways conditions limit people’s lives as well as what they can do to feel happy and fulfilled to make the most of their lives despite the condition.

The ability to have control and care for oneself contributes to privacy and dignity. Skills for care and Skills for Health have developed the ‘Common Core Principles for Self Care’. The purpose of the principles is to enable all those who work in health and social care to make personalised services a reality. They put people at the centre of the planning process and recognise that they are best placed to understand their own needs, and how to meet them.

Use to answer question 7.5d of the Care Certificate

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