
Situations where an Individual’s Privacy and Dignity could be Compromised

Situations where Privacy/Dignity could be Compromised

Each individual has a different view of what they see as their personal space so it is important to find out from them what is comfortable for them. In general these are some examples of ways that you maintain an individual’s privacy/dignity:


  • Clothing should always be arranged in a dignified way (think about how to position a person appropriately)
  • Seeking consent from an individual (and finding out about their wishes and preferences) before undertaking any task for them
  • If someone needs support to go to the toilet they should not have to wait or be left too long for you to return
  • Communicate in a manner that is respectful and courteous


  • Knock on the door or speak before you enter the particular space or room they are in
  • Protect an individual’s personal information

Both Privacy and Dignity:

  • If your role involves supporting individuals to wash or dress make sure you protect their dignity and privacy by making sure curtains, screens or door are properly closed
  • Administer medication

Use to answer question 7.1b of the Care Certificate

What Needs to be Done to in your Work Setting to Maintain Privacy and Dignity

Individuals should always feel safe and comfortable. Talk with them or look at their support plan to find out how they want to be supported in different situations. In particular, it is important to find out how the individual would like their carer, family members or friends to be involved or kept up to date about their care or support. They may want to be totally responsible themselves for passing on information or about how far they want to involve them in their personal care or life.

There may be occasions when an individual does not want to share certain information (required to ensure they are provided with the correct care and support) that you feel is important for staff or family to know. It is important that you explain this to the individual concerned, giving your reasons. Try to find agreement over the level of information they are willing for you to pass on. If you still feel that this is not in their best interests talk to your line manager about any concerns you might have.

The 3 key factors which need to be considered all of the time which will help you know what to do are:

  • Know the person and ask them directly whether they feel comfortable about what you intend to do
  • Ask yourself: “Would I or a member of my family feel comfortable if someone did this to me?” Bear in mind that the person may feel differently from you about what does or does not violate their privacy, modestly and dignity.
  • Ask yourself: “Is there a law, regulation or policy which I need to follow on this?” E.g. Equality Act, Mental Capacity or Human Rights Act?

Use to answer question 7.1b of the Care Certificate


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