Active Social Care ltd
Staff Handbook
Client Handbook
Staff Structure
Staff Newsletter
10.1 Safeguarding Adults
10.2 Role and Responsibilities
10.3 Six Key Principles that Underpin all Adult Safeguarding Work
10.4 Types of Abuse and Neglect – Signs and Indicators
10.5 What Constitutes Harm
10.6 Why an Individual may be Vulnerable to Harm or Abuse
10.7 Restrictive Practices
10.8 The Long Term Effects of Harm and Abuse on an Individual
10.9 Factors which have Featured in Adult Abuse and Neglect
10.10 Information and Advice about Roles and Responsibilities in Preventing and Protecting Individuals from Harm and Abuse
10.11 How Care Environments can Promote and Undermine People’s Dignity and Rights
10.12 The Importance of Individualised, Person Centered Care
10.13 The Basic Principles of Helping People to Keep Themselves Safe
10.14 Local Arrangements for the Implementation of Multi-agency Safeguarding Adult’s Policies and Procedures
10.15 Ways in which the Likelihood of Abuse can be Reduced by Managing Risk and Focusing on Prevention
10.16 How a Clear Complaints Procedure is Important for Reducing the Likelihood of Abuse
10.17 Respond to Suspected or Disclosed Abuse
10.18 Legislation, Local and National Policies and Procedures which Relate to Safeguarding Adults
10.19 Explain the Importance of Sharing Information with the Relevant Agencies
10.20 Barriers in Alerting or Referring to Relevant Agencies
10.21 Summary of how Active ensure the Safeguarding of Adults
Safeguarding Adults
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