Local Arrangements for the Implementation of Multi-agency Safeguarding Adult’s Policies and Procedures
Why were local arrangements for the implementation of multi-agency Safeguarding Adult’s policies and procedures developed
Local procedures for protecting and safeguarding children and adults have developed because there are national standards which need to be met. These have been developed in response to situations where things have gone wrong and people have come to harm. The emphasis is on the need for a clear and consistent approach where:
- All agencies work together following the same policies and procedures, be accountable and to share the same principles and values about keeping people safe from harm
- All agencies/staff cooperate with each other
- All the agencies communicate clearly with each other and share the relevant information when and as the need arises
Specific laws and regulations have developed over the years to protect children from abuse so that across the country they can expect to have the same rights and level of protection. However, for adults there is less legislation to guide us and a similar system for reporting and investigating abuse needed to be developed in order to give adults better protection. The Care Act, 2014 along with the Mental Capacity Act, 2005 gives us guidance on the safeguarding of adults in some circumstances but locally agreed procedures enable us to have a coordinated approach.
What are the local arrangements for the implementation of multi-agency Safeguarding Adults policies and procedures
Local councils with social service responsibilities are classed as “the lead agency” for the borough with regards to adult safeguarding. Councils usually operate a safeguarding unit which provides advice, training and collates statistics about the different types of abuse in the area. Each area covered by the lead agency also has a Safeguarding Adults Board which comprises of representatives from the council and other participating agencies such as the police and major charities in the area.
The main objective of a Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) is to assure itself that through local safeguarding arrangements, partners act to help and protect adults in its area who meet the criteria set out in the Care Act, 2014. These boards promote information sharing between workers and organisations to make sure that the care meets all of the needs of the individual.
In the past, where agencies have failed to share the relevant information, communicate with each other, take the concern seriously, act appropriately and at the right time, people have not being protected and have come to harm.
Use to answer question 10.2d of the Care Certificate