
The Basic Principles of Helping People to Keep Themselves Safe

To help to keep people safe staff must:

  • be aware of, understand, and follow the Policies and Procedures, Rules and Guidance of Active in the conduct of their work;
  • Always remain within professional boundaries;
  • listen to and respect Clients at all times;
  • avoid favouritism;
  • treat Clients fairly and without prejudice or discrimination;
  • value and take Client’s contributions seriously;
  • ensure any contact with Clients is appropriate and is relevant to the Client’s Plan of Care;
  • always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory;
  • always ensure equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose;
  • challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse;
  • ensure that whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people or if this isn’t possible, that you are within sight or hearing of other adults;
  • be close to where others are working. If a client specifically asks for or needs some private time with you, ensure other staff should know where you and the client are;
  • respect a person’s right to personal privacy;
  • encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like;
  • recognise that special caution is required when discussing sensitive issues with clients, particularly children.

To help to keep people safe staff must not:

  • patronise or treat Clients as if they are silly;
  • allow allegations to go unreported;
  • develop inappropriate relationships that is not a part of the work;
  • conduct a sexual relationship with a Client or indulge in any form of sexual contact. Any such behaviour represents a serious breach of trust on the part of the staff member or volunteer and is not acceptable under any circumstances;
  • let Clients have your personal contact details (mobile number or address);
  • make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of Clients;
  • act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive;
  • make inappropriate promises particularly in relation to confidentiality;
  • jump to conclusions about others without checking facts;
  • either exaggerate or trivialise issues;
  • rely on your reputation or that of the organisation to protect you.

In addition to the above, staff are instructed not to take any person (including children) or pets into the home of the person using the service without their permission and that of the manager of the service.

The word “Clients” refers to anyone under the care of Active, and therefore includes children, young persons and adults equally.

Staff who follow the Code of Behaviour outlined can be confident that Active will support them.

Basic principles for helping people to keep themselves safe

Staff/ need to understand:

  • What abuse is? – This should be explained in ways that the individual understands best
  • That perpetrators of abuse may repeat the abuse if it is left unaddressed
  • How to report suspected/alleged abuse
  • The stages which adult safeguarding procedures follow
  • Remove the stigma and guilt attached to being a victim of abuse – it is the perpetrator not the victim who is responsible for the abuse
  • The staff member will be believed and supported if they make a disclosure or raise a concern and that they should not keep it to themselves
  • When a concern is raised it is treated with the strictest confidentiality and when information is shared on a need to know basis it is shared only with others who are bound by the same rules of confidentiality
  • As a professional you cannot keep a secret about abuse but need to share it with those who know the order to investigate and address it
  • Enable to person to identify the risks they may face and to know how to address the risks and minimise the dangers

Most people who are abused and neglected know their perpetrator(s), this is usually on a face to face basis but it may also be through knowing them through the Internet and therefore they have not necessarily met them face-to-face.

Use to answer question 10.2c of the Care Certificate

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