
Recording Suspicions of Abuse and Disclosures

In any case where an allegation is made, or someone in Active has concerns, a record should be made as soon as practicable. Details must include:

– Name of child or young person;

– Date of birth;

– Name(s) and address(es) of parent(s), or person(s) with parental responsibility;

– Languages spoken and understood by person with parental responsibility;

– Telephone numbers if available;

– Is it an allegation, a suspicion or an incident of abuse;

– What has prompted the concerns;

– Include dates and times of any specific incidents;

– Whether the child or young person has been spoken to, and if so, what was said;

– Whether anybody has been alleged to be the abuser, and if so, record details;

– Who has this been passed on to, in order that appropriate action is taken? e.g. designated officer, social services etc;

– Whether anyone else has been consulted. If so, record details;

– Action taken.

Designated Person for Safeguarding Children

Active Social Care Limited has a designated person who is responsible for dealing with any Safeguarding Children concerns. In their absence, a deputy will be available for workers to consult with. The named person(s) for Safeguarding Adults within Active Social Care Limited is/are:
Designated Person for Safeguarding Children: Sarah Ellis
Telephone number: 01422 361802
Email: [email protected]

Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding Children: Daisy Hall
Telephone number: 01484 544100 ext. 205
Email: [email protected]

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