
The Role of Staff, The Police and The NSPCC

Staff members role:

  • Act swiftly. Note the basic facts without asking leading questions. Do not delay in reporting your concern
  • Do not depend on someone else to raise the concern on your behalf (report to your line manager)
  • It is your duty to know how to make a referral and your responsibility to report it
  • Make sure you have appropriate and up to date training to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect
  • Know Active’s policy and procedures (including confidentiality and whistleblowing) and locally agreed procedures

Police role:

If the child’s life is in immediate danger (where there is a risk to their life or limb such as a concern about abduction, rape or physical attack) you should contact the police or 999)

The police have child protection officers working in Child Protection/Safeguarding Units who investigate ongoing cases. In most cases you should contact the local authority children’s service Child Safeguarding Team in the area in which the alleged abuse took place, (or where it is currently occurring or is at risk of occurring in the future). Where a concern arises core office hours local authorities run out-of-hours duty services which should be contacted in the evening, during public holidays or at weekends.

The NSPCC role:

The NSPCC also runs an emergency number, open 24 hours every day of the year, on: 0800 800 500 and has an online helpline for reporting concerns electronically on: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-can-you-do/report-abuse/report-abuse-online/ which you could use if you have a secure internet connection and do not know how to contact the relevant local authority’s child safeguarding/protection service.


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