
What is Child Protection and Safeguarding

What is meant by the terms ‘Child Protection’ and ‘Safeguarding Children’.

Child protection is the activity of protecting children who are suffering or may be likely to suffer from significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect.

Safeguarding is preventative and involves promoting the welfare of children by protecting them from harm and recognising the risks to their safety and security.

The phrase “protecting children from abuse” is the term that was used in the 1989 Children Act. “Safeguarding children from harm” is the terminology that has developed and is the basis of the Children Act 2004.

Both of these phrases mean the same but the latter is wider in its context and focuses on prevention, so that by safeguarding at an early stage ‘abuse’ is prevented.

Who’s Responsibility is Child protection and the Safeguarding of Children?

Child protection and the safeguarding of children is everyone’s responsibility: It is not only childcare workers that have a duty to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

When you come into contact with a child/ children, in any way, in your day to day work, it is your job to make sure that their wellbeing is safeguarded. As with the need to report a concern about an adult at risk, refer any concern even if you have some doubt, to a manager who is trained to investigate and substantiate the concern. You should never expect someone else to take action to raise a concern instead of you. If you were the person to whom the disclosure was made, you are the person who needs to raise this.   Your evidence will be more credible than that provided through a third party.

Use to answer question 11.1 i, ii, iii, of the Care Certificate

When do Staff Need to Take Immediate and Appropriate Action

Everyone needs to be able to minimise the risk of children being harmed either accidentally or deliberately. We need to take immediate and appropriate action:

  • If we suspect that a child or young person has been abused or neglected
  • If we suspect that a child or a young person is currently experiencing abuse or neglect
  • If we suspect a child or young person could be abused or neglected if action is not taken

Remember your 6Cs (topic 1.9) …… staff should have the COURAGE and CONFIDENCE to do what is morally right for the protection of children and young people.

N.B. (6C’s – Courage, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Care, Commitment).

West Yorkshire Online Safeguarding Children Procedures

All staff should familiarise themselves with the West Yorkshire procedures for safeguarding children: http://westyorkscb.proceduresonline.com/chapters/contents.html

Use to answer question 11.1 iv, of the Care Certificate

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