Agreed ways of working
Active sets out the safe and agreed ways in which you are expected to work in the following ways:
Why it is Important to Work in Ways Agreed with Active
Working in ways which are not agreed with Active could result in you putting yourself or others (clients, colleagues, members of the public) at risk of harm and bringing the organisation or profession into disrepute. This could lead to disciplinary action being taken including dismissal or in the case of a crime being committed, prosecution.
Person Centered Support Plans
This details the ways of working which have been agreed with the client, their carers and other relevant professionals and include the devised risk management strategies. You must only undertake the tasks detailed in the support plan as these have been risk assessed and agreed as part of the package.
Policies, Procedures and Codes of Practice
These provide the framework for day to day work practice and guide you how to work safely and meet the services aims and objectives.
The policies, procedures and codes of practice reflect regulatory, legal, registration, contractual compliance requirements and industry best practice guidelines so that clients and all those affected by our activities are kept safe.
Policies and procedures are constantly monitored and are reviewed at least annually with stakeholders to keep up to date with client priorities, regulatory changes and best practice guidelines
Job Description and Statement of Main Terms of Employment
These spell out what you are required to do in your work and Active’s responsibilities towards you.
Use to answer question 1.2c of the Care Certificate