Active Social Care ltd
Staff Handbook
Client Handbook
Staff Structure
Staff Newsletter
5.1 Personalisation– Get to Know your Client Well, their Preferences, Beliefs and Achievements
5.2 Person Centred Approach
5.3 Person Centred Values
5.4 Promoting Person Centred Values when Providing Support to Individuals
5.5 Promoting Dignity in your Day-to-Day Work
5.6 Examples of how dignity is protected and infringed
5.7 SCIE Eight Dignity Factors
5.8 The Importance of Finding out the History, Preferences, Wishes and Needs
5.9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs
5.10 Why the Changing Needs of an Individual Must be Reflected in their Support Plan
5.11 Supporting Individuals to Plan for their Future Wellbeing and Fulfilment, Including End-of-Life Care
5.12 Environmental Factors that may cause Discomfort or Distress
5.13 Raising concerns directly with the individual concerned
5.14 Factors that may be causing Discomfort or Distress to Individuals
5.15 Supporting Identity, Self Esteem, Wellbeing & Health
5.16 How People can Gain Inspiration and Address their own Spirituality
5.17 Concerns about and Individuals Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing
5.18 Key features of person-centred working
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