
Concerns about and Individuals Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing

Low self esteem and a poor sense of identity can result in social isolation and an increased risk of mental ill health. People need to have the support and confidence to believe in themselves, recognise their own potential to change and to grow and to value their own abilities. People gain a sense of identity from feeling valued, wanted and part of a wider group such as community in which they live or a community with which they identify.

Working in a person-centred way will empower the person to be in control of their life and when people are in control and empowered their confidence, sense of identity and self esteem will develop. Staff need to assist clients to have a positive self-image and confidence, value the person for who they are by seeing the person as different but equal.

Clients will not feel they have a sense of identity if they feel marginalised, devalued or constantly ridiculed, discriminated against or judged by what they do not have or cannot do.

If you have any concerns about an individuals emotional wellbeing for example, you notice changes in their behaviour or have concerns about something they have said you should record this information and inform your line manager immediately.

Use to answer question 5.6d of the Care Certificate

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