
Supported Living Services

Active provide tailored individualized support for people living in their own home, either on their own or with others.

Our flexible support services range from 24 hour care to a few hours per week on a regular or ad hoc basis.

The support covers all aspects of daily living including:

  • Household maintenance including cleaning
  • Independent travel training (where possible)
  • Social activities including maintaining existing friendships and making new ones
  • Recreational and leisure activities
  • Educational interests
  • Volunteer and work related opportunities
  • Financial planning/budgeting and support to pay bills and claim benefits
  • Managing relationships and conflicts with co-tenants and neighbours
  • Management of tenancy

The focus of the service is to support service users to be in control of all decisions that affect their lives, develop skills, maximize independence, play an active part in their local community and live life to the full. To achieve this Active use a range of person centred tools tailored to the needs of individuals including:

  • Circles of support
  • Inclusion Web
  • Decision making agreements
  • Health Action Plan
  • Communication Passport

Our qualified and experienced assessors work with service users and those important to them to design tailored personal support plans that inform the staff team what support is required and how it should be provided. This ensures service users stay in control of the service they receive.

We have developed a reputation for delivering services that are flexible, innovative, responsive and effective. We work with service users to ensure they are fully engaged in activities, are given opportunities to make real choices and adapt the level of support provided as their needs change and skills increase.

If you require any further information, please either contact us on 01484 544100. Alternatively email [email protected]

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