
Welcome to your Active Social Care Limited extranet site

This area of the website can only be accessed by employees of Active Social Care ltd. with a valid username and password, available from the Human Resources (HR) team at the Bradley Office.

If you have not received your log in details, or if you have lost or forgotten them, please contact the HR department at the Bradley Office.

Once you have logged in you will be able to have unlimited easy access to:

  • Active’s comprehensive Staff Handbook which includes all the company procedures and information from Active’s training courses including Basic Life Support, Moving & Handling, Safe Handling of Medication, Preventing & Managing Challenging Behaviour and the Care Certificate.
  • Active’s Client Guide
  • The Staff Structure charts
  • Active’s Staff Newsletter so you can stay up to date with any news or changes within the company

If you are not an employee but would be interested in joining our team, please contact us on 01484 544100 or alternatively email [email protected].


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